When you get your Learner licence, you are issued with a physical copy. If you lose your log book, you need to get a new one.
The replacement fee for a Learner Driver Log Book is $19.
To get a replacement log book, you need to:
Alternatively, you can download a log book app. It's free and easy to use (and hard to lose).
You need a minimum of 120 hours in your log book . 20 Night hours and 100 Day Hours= 120 log book hours.
120 logbook hours vary states to states. Some states require no logbook or less hours in the logbook. There is a minimum 20 night hours required for night driving. If more than 20 night hours then it will count towards the total hours in your log book. The 3-for-1 driving lessons' scheme lets you to claim up to 10 structured lessons, allowing you to record a total of 30 hours of driving experience in your log book.
Rules regarding your Learner Log Book Victoria:
If you're below 21 years old upon applying for a probationary license, you must furnish your completed Learner Log Book along with the Declaration of Learner Log Book Completion as proof of 120 hours of driving practice. On the day of your driving test, it's imperative to bring your official Learner Log Book to the VicRoads Customer Service Centre. It will undergo scrutiny before you're allowed to proceed with the test. The VicRoads License Testing Officer might inquire about the recorded practice driving sessions in your Learner Log Book. VicRoads will keep your Declaration of Learner Log Book Completion and, if necessary, your Learner Log Book. VicRoads will only acknowledge your Learner Log Book if it meets the following criteria:
How to complete your log book NSW?
If you're under the age of 25, you will need to complete 120 hours of supervised driving with a supervisor or licensed driving instructor. There are two ways you can record your hours:
Only apps Transport for NSW accepts are:
When you finish your required log book hours, use the app to submit your driving hours online at least 48 hours before your driving test.
Please note: Transport for NSW is moving to a single log book app model with Roundtrip being the only official app accepted in future.
When you finish your 120 log book hours, use the app to electronically submit your driving hours to Service NSW. Make sure you do this at least 48 hours before the driving test to ensure your information is transferred. If you plan to sit the driving test on your 17th birthday, you need to contact appsinfo@transport.nsw.gov.aulaunch and advise you will be submitting your log book on the day of your test.
Exemptions: You do not have to complete a NSW Learner Driver Log Book if you:
Recognising interstate experience
If you’ve held a learner licence in another Australian state or territory, well recognise the hours you've logged in an interstate learner driver log book.
You will need to provide evidence of your driving hours when applying for a NSW learner licence.
3 for 1 bonus hours in your log book.
When you have a structured lesson with a driving instructor, you may be able to record bonus driving time in your log book.
This initiative allows you to log multiple hours when a structured driving lesson is completed.
Important information: Log Book Diving Lessons 1=3 Bonus Hours:
Who can supervise a learner driver?
To supervise a learner, you must hold a current full Australian driver licence. Both a supervisor and a learner driver can be fined if the supervisor does not have a full Australian licence.
Driving Test Pro has a range of amazing driving instructors who can provide you with Log Book Diving Lessons 1=3 Bonus Hours. Earn 30 driving lesson hours in your log book today. Please, book now Driving Lessons-Log Book Diving Lessons 1=3 Bonus Hours.